Sunday, August 4, 2013

It goes without saying that I love to read books. I am the girl who pretended she was afraid of the dark so that my mom would leave a light on in the hallway outside my bedroom and I could lay at the end of my bed and read by its faint, eye-straining and headache-inducing light.

I'm starting college in 2 weeks, and I want to make sure that I not only have time to read, but that I read some quality books. Goal number one for me is working through as many books as I can on the 101 Great Books recommended for college-bound readers list - I'd like to try and have read all of them by the end of next summer.

Maybe it's crazy and impossible, but I'm still going to try! Every book I read from the list will have a short review here, along with other books I read (I've found that I'm starting to forget the plots of books and hopefully this will help me remember better).

So here we go!